Parker Elementary Reflection

The 2022/2023 school year has been productive to say the least here at Parker Elementary. Academics, of course, are on the forefront of any school, and CIS has been actively involved in this aspect. With a campus goal of raising STAAR scores from last year, there has been an immense amount of one on one tutoring to assure that students are focusing and truly understanding the curriculum, while also having fun. Using math and working with fractions to make slime is just one example of the many academic activities we have been able to accomplish.  

Aside from academics, CIS has a mission to be there for the students on an emotional level as well. Relationship building is huge here at Parker because we understand that it is the foundation of a student’s success. Students are aware of my open office policy and know that they always have safe space.  

Rest a sure a student doesn’t have to be enrolled in CIS feel the effects of the program. There have been a number of Tier 1 events where the whole school has been involved. The color run, school dances, and anti-bullying campaigns are just a few projects that CIS and Parker have collaborated with.  

Working with this organization has been a blessing for not only the students, but as an employee as well. The growth that has come out of this program in just one year has given so much hope for the entire school, and we are all excited to see what’s in store for next year. 

-Christine Diaz


Scaling for Success Cohort